Thursday, December 07, 2006

Tereza, the host of Czechs in America podcast, was interviewed by Victor Cajiao for his podcast, Immigration Tales, about her immigration experience. You can listen to the interview here. Don't forget to give your feedback!


S Terezou nahrál rozhovor o její zkušenosti s emigrací Victor Cajiao na svém podcastu zvaném Immigration Tales. Rozhovor si můžete poslechnout zde. Nezapomeňte zanechat připomínky!


Bruce Holland Rogers said...

I am delighted to find a site where there is some text in both English and Czech along with mp3 interviews available in both languages. I have been trying to learn Czech bit by bit for years, but it is difficult to find helpful resources like this.

I am an American living in London, England. I am a short story writer, and a collection of my fiction will be published in translation in the Czech Republic for the first time in 2008. I hope to be able to speak a little more Czech by then so I can make some appearances to help promote the book. Thank your very much for these podcasts!

deny said...

Zdarek Teri..
Jmenuju se Denis a spolu s moji rodinou ziju v Atlante.Nahodichkou jsem narazil na tvoji stranku diky odkazum z predchozich.Zrovna posloucham interwiew s Tebou,sranda..=).Chci ti jen rict,ze delash zajimavou praci a ze Ti fandim.Jo a rozdelily jsme sev 93' takzes to rekla spravne..=)Mej se hezky a pokud budesh mit neco zajimaveho tak dej vedet,budu

jakudo said...

Nedávno jsem narazil na tyhle stránky a fakt jako dost dobrý!!! Už jsem toho poslech hodně a je to výborné:) Jen tak dál..
Hodně štěstí Jakub